Strikes for Song

About Strikes for Song

Each Spring, Chorale members participate in Strikes for Song. This family fundraising event is aimed at supporting the Chorale through donations from the families, friends, and networks of current Performance Program members via personalized videos and email requests. The fundraiser ends in an in-person bowling event, where participating members and their families are celebrated and can enjoy free bowling! Chorale families have participated in this campaign and family fun event for over 15 years to ensure that we can provide excellent experiences for our young singers. Tuition, ticket sales, and performance revenue account for only 50% of the Chorale's annual operating budget, so fundraising is essential to provide unparalleled musical experiences for current members, as well as future generations of Chorale members. The income raised from Strikes for Song helps keep tuition low and affordable, provides uniforms, supplements the education and performance programs, and supports our creative and passionate artistic team.

SFS Horizontal 2020-01

Information for Chorale Families                

Participation instructions are sent to current performance program families via email. You can also access the 2025 campaign materials below:

Parent Information Letter

How to Participate: Fundraiser Instructions

Spreadsheet Template

Submission Form

For additional information, contact us via email or call 303.854.9059